Cosmetic eyelid operation removes excess fat and wrinkled, descending leather upper eyelids, which may be a good fit to face the continuous expression of fatigue or sadness. Also eliminates bags under the eyes and tensioning the lower eyelid skin. The result is fresh and relaxed facial expression.
Eyelid operation can be carried out together with liftingiem facial or other treatments odmładzającymi face. Some people inherit the characteristics that make it decide on the eyelid operation as early as age 20-30 years.
Flabbily fat and skin are removed from the upper eyelid incisions, which are hidden in a natural downturn eyelid. Incision run slightly beyond the outer corner of your eye, where he easily mixed with existing there mimicznymi wrinkles and folds skórnymi other. If the problem is with deep powiekami is still sloping eyebrows, the surgeon may also recommend lifting the eyebrows.
Treatment often requires the lower eyelid incisions, which is hidden just below the line of eyelashes. Through this incision excess skin, muscle and fat is removed or regulated. You can change the location of fat, to eliminate opuchnięcia and swelling. If there is no excess skin lower eyelid, plastic surgeon may choose to adopt different techniques, in which fat is removed by incision located inside the eyelid, from the conjunctiva.
After the operation it can be expected to have swollen and oudema that persist about a week or slightly longer. The vision may be blurry for a few days and you should wear dark sunglasses to protect eyes from wind and sun. After the end of the week, you can hide other makeup, sometimes disappearing from zasinienia. You can go back to work after about 10 days.
Which is the best breast silicone prosthesis

There are several options of breast prostheses for breast augmentation and it is increasingly preferred by much more women all over the world. In general, the fact is every woman seek best suited breast shape for herselves. Of course if it is possible we must try to result breast shaping with natural ways. If ıt is not possible there are only one way to own well shaped breasts. It is the plastic surgery technique, we have to use and experience and in time to indicate the prosthesis. According to experts and surgeons there is no ideal option, because the patients are not equal.
The prosthesis tapered, recently launched in most countries, it came to market with the promise of adapting to the majority of patients. "However, it is not exactly so. For some, it may cause an exaggerated projection of the breast. Attention should also be increased with the so-called 'natural profile,' which may not be the most appropriate, even for those who want a result opposite to the plastic breasts.
From day-to-day, it is founded that women seek volume compatible with the body's curves, something around 255ml to 285ml. Moreover, they want a good result in placing higher - the design that appears in natural cleavages less bold. Currently polyurethane prostheses and high profile breast prothesis is the most appropriate one.
As for the incision to placement of prostheses, there are three options: via armpit, or the areola submammaria. Because of the warm climate, which makes the women use more clothes and without sleeves, the doctor out by the insertion armpit as the first option. "The complex offers excellent papillary aréolo-healing, making surgery imperceptible. And, contrary to what many think, the sensitivity of the region is not affected, since the technique is correct, "complements.
In the field of restrictions, the doctor is exhaustive. "We must make use of prostheses whose size can change the position and thereby the health of women." In all, he notes that breastfeeding may be partially compromised in cases where the placement of silicone is accompanied by mastopexia - procedure for removal of the breasts. After surgery to increase the breast, the patient must make periodic checks and seek immediate assistance before any symptom.
New titanium prosthesis
At the last day of plastic surgery, held in Sao Paulo in May, was presented by plastic surgeon Yves Gerard Lllouz, the father of liposuction, the prosthesis for breast implant coated with titanium.
According to the plastic surgeons titanium prosthesis has two main functions. The first one is to reduce the breasts contracture rate, now it is estimated at 5%, and that sets the great ghost of surgeries for breast implants. The other function is to reduce drastically the casting of silicon, known as "bleeding", a late complication of prostheses.
The prosthesis is coated with titanium and is similar to touch the other uncoated silicone implants, according to the chairman of the entity. Today, the prosthesis used in most world is texturized. The novelty is still undergoing tests in France and expectations are that it is approved by the end of the year.
Cost of blepharoplasty eyelid surgery

Despite generally known as very expencive operation, the blepharoplasty, eyelids surgery can be classified as affordable surgery .
If the notoriety or the competence of the surgeon operates, the price is mainly influenced by the technique used, instead of intervention and the number of eyelids made. The without scar technique being more precise and demanding more dexterity than with scar, and naturally it cause of the cost is more higher.
Similarly, depending on the provision of the clinic, the price may be double. In US, the cost of blepharoplasty eyelid surgery is averagely between 3000 to 5000 $ .
The cost is commonly lower when combined with facial lifting. If you decide for making botox injection or hyaluronic acid application, you need 250 $ more money.
What are the risks of eyelids blepharoplasty surgery

Complications of Eyelids, blephoplasty plastic surgery are very rare, but like any surgery, it also contains some post-operational risks.
Some possible risk s of blepharoplasty:
Imperfect operational Results : Following an unexpected reaction of tissue or unusual scar phenomena, requires an "surgery"
Hematoma: may require evacuation
Infection: exceptionally possibility of conjunctivitis
Healing Anomalies : very rare
Epidermal Cyst: easy to remove without consequence on the aspect
Troubles of the secretion of tears: existing of persistent tearing decompensation or "dry eye"
Ptosis: pre-existing deficit increased by intervention
Lagophtalmie: transitional inability to close eye
Eye round: ectropion following the removal of the skin to the lower eyelid
Diplopia: double vision which is rarely observed
quite exceptional Hypertension and blindness , a few cases reported in the international literature
We should not overstate the risks, but simply that a surgical operation, even has a simple part of unpredictable risks. By finding of qualified plastic surgeon you can assure that it has proper training and skills to avoid these complications, or deal with them effectively.
The results, outcome eyelid blepharoplasty surgery

In order to access and see of the blepharoplasty operation's results, it needs to be waiten 3 to 6 months.
It takes time for recovering and healing of the eyelid tissues and fading of the scars . The intervention allows most often to correct the loosening skin and remove fat hernias, correcting the appearance of aged and tired eyes.
The operating suites: Not to mention pain, there is possibly discomfort and a feeling of tension eyelids, a slight eye irritation and some visual disturbances. After the operation edema (swelling) appears, as well as bruises (blue), sometimes spétaculaires, whose duration and intensity varies.
The first day, it is sometimes difficult to close the eyelids, these signs are declining rapidly. The son were abducted between 3 to 8 days. It is possible to disguise the scars that are initially slightly pink. The shower is possible. The appearance is more discreet at the social level after one week.
One aspect Induratum area may percister made a few weeks before the tissues s'assouplissent.
The results are generally among the most durable plastic surgery. the bags under the eyes do not re-offend and removal is therefore final. The skin continues to age, yet it is rare for réintervenir wilting before a new 15aine years.
eyelid surgery and anesthesia application

The different types of anesthesia:
Local anaesthesia pure, or a product is injected locally to ensure insensitivity of the eyelids. However, the patient or is calm and does not sudden movement. A slight sedation can be obtained by an anxiolytic, took a few hours before.
Anaesthesia vigil is a local anesthetic depth by tranquilizers administered by intra-venous.
General anaesthesia classic, during which the patient is completely asleep. Reserved for patients too anxious. Hospital a day (ambulatory) or even overnight.
blepharoplasty surgery information and tips

hospitalization time : A few hours (or ambulatory external surgery )
Length of surgery: 1 / 2 hour for 2 eyelids, 40 minutes to 1 hour for 4 eyelids.
Anesthesia: locale in most cases.
Pain: calmed by paracetamol.
Treatments: cool compresses on their eyes, painkillers, artificial tears.
Complications (rarely seen): hematoma, infection / exceptional blindness.
Contraindications: they are not absolute: hypertension, diabetes, treatment that bleed.
Follow-up: 3-5 days for the withdrawal of son, 1 month and 3-6 months.
Price: 3000 to 5000 USD.
Choosing a surgeon: Graduated from cosmetic surgery and restorative branchs of medicine schools
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