The blepharoplasty or other name "plastic eyelid surgery" is very effective way of stay ans seem young in terms of face rejuvenation.
With age eyelids are adorned with pockets, rings, fine lines and wrinkles, betraying of the time and gives other people, depressed impression especially in the mornings. The cosmetic surgery can intervene effectively on the eyelids top and bottom, to rejuvenate the looks tired or sad.
For the upper eyelid, the surgeon, will offer a skin resection to remove excess skin, the scar may go beyond the corner of the eye in a ride to deal effectively loosening the skin side.
At the lower eyelid, we must take into account three elements clinics:
-- The color, called ring is not corrected by surgery, cosmetics and health habits are effective. The rings can be improved by the injection of hyaluronic acid in the path of tears, thus correcting the palm which accentuates the pigmentation.
-- Wrinkles, injections of botulinum toxin at the wrinkles of the leg goose can be smooth.
-- Pockets of fat, which are surgical remedies.

For a long time, surgeons had a scar on the skin for access to the three pockets of fat present at the lower eyelid: the strategy has changed. Indeed, the surgeon will offer to pass through the inside of the eyelid (Channel conjunctival) without scar. This technique more difficult has advantages: no visible scars, no point of suture to be removed, reducing the post-operative swelling, can perform this surgery on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia and especially no risk "a look round "Or modification of light, contrary to the technique through the skin.
"Not only women but also More and more men realize the rejuvenation surgery from 40 years is the operation most practised in humans"
Operation is not so difficult,but it must be taken some time to choose your plastic surgeon, asking him/her if he/she is capable of carrying out the intervention "by the inside of the eyelid and under local anesthesia." In 2006, general anesthesia was only one alternative.
Produced under local anesthesia, with suites little painful, rare complications and a final and lasting results obtained in short, this intervention provides great satisfaction to the patients and surgeons.
It is therefore logical that this surgery is booming, from 40 years women but also men resorted to blepharoplasty, to look less tired, thanks to a real "anti-aging surgery".